Is George W. Bush a Clay H. Aiken Fan?
Your Eyes Say No But Your Overseas Phone Calls Say Yes
Your Eyes Say No But Your Overseas Phone Calls Say Yes

I thought I would now weigh in on Cheney Bush administration's eavesdropping scandal. I feel like this is getting a fair amount of play in mainstream media, so I think that I'll approach it from another angle. I was wondering to myself how the administration got the idea to use the NSA to listen in to all of these calls. The logical conclusion is that it was Cheney's idea. But Bush has assumed full responsibility for it. It's almost as if he is proud of his accomplishment.

I couldn't figure out who told Bush about the NSA (I didn't tell him), until I found these photos. Now I don't know about you, but the only thing more beguiling than GW knowing that the NSA exists is the fact that Clay Aiken is a star. I plan to show, through empirical evidence (thanks again to the folks at the Discovery Institute for making that word more accessible) that GWB and CHA (in researching this article I found that Clay's middle name was appropriate) have been helping each other with ideas and material support. Unfortunately, most of us have heard Aiken's song invisible. Have you noticed how closely the lyrics have followed (new) NSA domestic guidelines? Let's check it out:
I wish I could be a fly on your wall
If I was invisible
Then I could just watch you in your room
I would be the smartest man
If I was invisible
(Wait...I already am)
(I'm pretty sure I know who thought up the last three lines)

I would say that this doesn't empirically prove ID, but remember Clay's album came out in 2003. Even a rush-job would require at least a year of work. Look I'm not saying that this should be taught in biology, but it's worth considering. Here's a question we might never know the answer to:
Did Clay Aiken influence domestic policy, or did domestic policy influence Clay Aiken?

I couldn't figure out who told Bush about the NSA (I didn't tell him), until I found these photos. Now I don't know about you, but the only thing more beguiling than GW knowing that the NSA exists is the fact that Clay Aiken is a star. I plan to show, through empirical evidence (thanks again to the folks at the Discovery Institute for making that word more accessible) that GWB and CHA (in researching this article I found that Clay's middle name was appropriate) have been helping each other with ideas and material support. Unfortunately, most of us have heard Aiken's song invisible. Have you noticed how closely the lyrics have followed (new) NSA domestic guidelines? Let's check it out:
I wish I could be a fly on your wall
If I was invisible
Then I could just watch you in your room
I would be the smartest man
If I was invisible
(Wait...I already am)
(I'm pretty sure I know who thought up the last three lines)

I would say that this doesn't empirically prove ID, but remember Clay's album came out in 2003. Even a rush-job would require at least a year of work. Look I'm not saying that this should be taught in biology, but it's worth considering. Here's a question we might never know the answer to:
Did Clay Aiken influence domestic policy, or did domestic policy influence Clay Aiken?

GK - your so funny. I bet your hot too!
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